Saturday, March 08, 2008

Winter Wonderland

This is what actually passes for fun around here........

I suppose there are a few benefits to the cold, long-lasting winter when you essentially have your own skating rink in your "side yard".

And time with daddy is always great... If it includes horsing around and lots of giggles, it is always that much better...

Of course, the dog likes to try to get in on the action whenever he can, too.


Anonymous said...

where's that hockey stick I left there. It should be put to use teaching the boy to shoot wicked wristers so he can support you in your retirement with his 7 or even 8 figure NHL contract.

Anonymous said...

How adorable! Tanara would make a great figure skater. Happy Birthday Johnnie tomorrow!!!!!

mira said...

huh, must have been ignoring you the past couple of days. jealous of the snow, but enjoying my t-shirts and sandals ;-) mr. waaz is quite jealous of the ice.

Mrs. Guthrie said...

*lol* yeah, I am DEFINITELY ready for t-shirt and sandal weather!!!

Ken and Kristin Parks said...

How fun!!! I do miss that about the cold weather...But did I mention I was in shorts yesterday? ;) Muahahahah!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

You, Mrs. Parks, are EVIL. ;)