Sunday, December 30, 2007


Wrapping Paper: $3.50

Scotch Tape: $1.88

Onyx Ninetendo DS Lite: $129.98

Rendering The Boy Speechless For a Full Minute: Priceless


mira said...

that oughta keep him occupied on the plane over here this summer ;-)

Fifi said...

hehehe....... I know that look!
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I got myself guitar hero 3. It didn't render me speechless for a full minute when I got it, however when I play it I don't talk to anyone for hours at a time, does that count?

Mrs. Guthrie said...

*lol* do you have the tickets? :)

Familiar, isn't it, Fee? It's that little boy + cool electronics look.

Um, no, it doesn't count. But it makes us laugh. :) B is speechless in the same manner. Frequently. Both of them will go into DS withdrawl when we go back to school.

Mrs. Guthrie said...

*lol* do you have the tickets? :)

Familiar, isn't it, Fee? It's that little boy + cool electronics look.

Um, no, it doesn't count. But it makes us laugh. :) B is speechless in the same manner. Frequently. Both of them will go into DS withdrawl when we go back to school.

ByHISgoodGrace said...

I know that look as well x two boys! And, we hid theirs within a large box and had convinced them they weren't getting a DS. So, when each of them got their own--it was fun chaos!
That's a great pic!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

*lol* Katie, that's great!! We did the same with both our kids, and we put them in different sized/shaped boxes so they weren't the same, either! :) Too funny. Our daughter thought MAYBE she was getting a game boy, but the boy had NO IDEA! I kept telling the girl that she was wrong... She was NOT getting a GAME BOY (I didn't lie).

Bug and Eye said...

LOL, that's awesome!! Gotta love those faces....I got Bug Zelda for his DS and hid it in a box of fruit snacks ;-)

mira said...

I hid the dart board in a mesh laundry bag...

Anonymous said...

Yup, a priceless pic!! ... love the spoof on the familiar ad. It was great seein' you guys on Christmas!! Love yas.