.... Or "How Johnny Spent His ENTIRE Sunday Afternoon AND Evening."
Ok, I have no ONE picture that could possible do this... event... justice, so you will have to wrap your head around the enormity of what one little kid with one little lighter can start with the minimal help of the pictures included. These are pictures of PART of the damage done by a 400 acre forest fire... Started by a child somewhere between Tanara's age and John Tylor's age. He got ahold of a lighter and headed for the back yard and ended his day with three fire companies fighting this fire for eight-and-a-half hours. John was fighting for seven of those. The fire started back up the next morning, was put down again, and started back up again yesterday and is burning in places still today. The fire was a couple miles away from our house, and the kids and I still spent the day breathing in smoke and watching ash "snow" all around our house. Not so good...

I'll say... keeping the boys busy, that's for sure.
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