Thursday, November 22, 2007

I Have THE Sweetest Hubby

Look what he bought me so I can work off those big thighs that were previously mentioned. (My words, not his. He just said "Merry early Christmas" because I think perhaps he was tired of me pestering for one of these.)

Ilikeitverymuch, thank you. Lots of workout programs, plenty of resistance levels, a fan, a shelf I can put my book on while I exercise....

And check it out: A cup holder that is the perfect size for my Nalgene.

How sweet is he??? Now off to work I go......


mira said...


Bug and Eye said...

awwww good man!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

Isn't he, though?? I think I'll keep him. ;)

M, I told J that I was SURE you would hop on it and give it a try and applaud him in Feb since that was what you pointed me to as "the best" at the gym. :) The two times I went with you. Oops. *lol* See you in three months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

And, um, OW!

mira said...

lol, go a little overboard your first time on? May I suggest finding a great stretching tutorial on the net and slowing it down a bit for the next couple of days?

I stayed on the elliptical until I was pretty big last time. Only stopped because 1)my center of gravity was waaaay off, 2)I'd get dizzy after about 15 minutes, and 3) my belly kept hitting the book slot.

and if I hop on it in Feb, it'll be the first time I've touched an elliptical yeah.

ByHISgoodGrace said...

Thank you for your comments about my boys, you're sweet. I'm new to the blogging world so it's a nice surprise to have someone visit my blog and comment!
I enjoy your blog and was just adding you this morning as one that I visit!!!

Bug and Eye said...

I need a tour too...3 months, huh?
give me a call, we'll find a weekend we can all meet for a gander at the place!!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

No, didn't particularly go overboard... My muscles are just in shock. Twenty minutes a day works for right now, plus stretches. Yikes.... cheerleading moves are DEFINITELY out of the question.

Anonymous said...

What a cool machine! What I want to know is, if you're flipping pages or reaching for a drink while you're ellipti-loping, will you fall down?

Mrs. Guthrie said...

Ouch. No, dad, I CAN multi-task. Hubby on the other hand I think concurs with you because he said to tell you that you shouldn't worry... It's only a six inch fall. I won't get hurt. Great. Thanks, guys.

Bug and Eye said...

dontcha love the confidence they have??

Ken and Kristin Parks said...

Awesome!! This is my all-time favorite machine!!

Anonymous said...

Guess we're both getting early Christmas presents. Got mine today in the mail. I'm washing them now . Go to and check out the cappocino pattern. I'm so excited!!!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

hurray!!! I hopped on the site and looked at them. LOVE THEM!!! Can't wait to eat off of them!

Anonymous said...

we had one of those when they were earlier models. ours broke (ball barrings in the one of the turney things at the base of the handles that connected to the long bar that the feet sat on) I'd love to get a later (tried/true/bugs worked out) models with a good warrenty that serviced them IN THE HOUSE! I had to send away to california to get replacement ball barrings. I finally gave up on it. sigh. let me know how yours works out! they're GREAT!
lil b