Monday, January 18, 2010


Good timing, maybe?

So, lately, God has really been speaking to me about my place and position in our home, and my attitude towards it. I so desperately want to be a Proverbs 31 wife, mother, and child of God, but SO OFTEN feel myself falling way below the mark. Maybe some of you feel the same. I had to smile when I popped over to a friend's blog to see what she had to offer for the day, and I read about this giveaway. Knowing that this book would be encouragement in the right direction for how God has been speaking to me prompted me to immediately go sign up! Now I'm giving you guys (well, girls) the same opportunity. :) Go on over to Passionate Homemaking to see the giveaway for yourself, and sign up if you're interested.

In the meantime, I'll keep running after the prize, and continue to serve my family as an act of worship. Someday I'll get it just right. :)


DadW said...

Hi, 'dere! Love your posts, even though I'm not very faithful to leave my 2 cents. Anyway, you're a good blogger-writer. You should write a book. Seriously! Luv yas!!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

*sniff* Thanks :) Anyway, I get your 2 cents in person. ;)

Love you too!!!