Friday, November 16, 2007

Breaking in the brand new tires

It was a cold and rainy evening. We bundled up and piled into the truck to make the 45 minute trip to E-City to have dinner with our friends. One tenth of a mile down the road, J realized that he had left the CD he wanted our friends to here, so we turned around. Keep in mind, it had been raining all day and we live on a dirt road that in normal rainy conditions washes out. Also keep this information towards the front of your mind: A ditch for a new water line had just been dug, the line lay and the ditch recovered about two weeks prior. So, taking a moment and using a little common sense, what do YOU suppose that recently dug out area looked like (and more importantly, felt like??) Well, as we were driving up our road towards our house, J noticed that there was quite a section washed out and - perhaps - he could "pack it down" so it wouldn't be as washed out. HA HA HA HA HA. So we are cruising up our road at around 20 mph and SUDDENLY are at a dead stop. The truck was at an angle perhaps comparable to the Leaning Tower of Pisa.... or worse. I found myself looking at the grass if I looked out my window and at the top of a VERY tall pine tree if I looked out J's window.

Cousins were called to point and laugh bring up their tractor and tow us out. Even the tractor needed some help.Eventually I had to stop taking pictures so I could be a pusher.

He left a crater in the road

and decided that we were rather dirty

so we made a quick stop at the carwash before resuming our journey to our dinner date. *sigh*

And people ask me if I ever get board being "stuck" up on this hill away from "civilization."

No, not really. In ten years I haven't had the chance.......


Bug and Eye said...

I can so see the look on J's face when he realized he was stuck...
oh sweetie! no, you really don't have time to get bored....

Mrs. Guthrie said...

*lol* it didn't take long to realize it, either. Rather instantaneous.... :o)

Anonymous said...

Well, at least you didn't have that happen in the Soo-bee-hoo. 'Course if ya did, you could've gone back for the truck and just packed the Soo-bee-hoo down into the crater. O.K., bad idea. Anyway, can't wait to see the coming post on Halloween!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

*lol* yeah, funny, but bad :o) And I think we will have Halloween postssss. With maybe a guest appearance..... Stay tuned! :o)

Bug and Eye said...

well keep 'em coming!!!!!
home this weekend...HINT HINT

Mrs. Guthrie said...

*lol* workin' it.... Hey! Me too!! :)

Bug and Eye said... maybe if we can haul our cookies out of the warm coziness we should pop over and see improvements.....

Fifi said...

Oh my greatness!!!You sounded very calm..... I would have been freaking out a little! Thank goodness for cousins though!
Mr's Guthree, I commend you!..... you had your camera on hand!!!!! Something I need to perfect!
Love to you!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

you should... there is warm coziness over here, too. :)

Fee - I'll admit, I yelped at him.... "J! Why did you do that? We're going to be late, babe!!!" Suprisingly, we were early. And no, dad, he wasn't speeding. We just skipped a stop to check out a roof.

mira said...

well, serves me right for not getting on the computer in 2 days...didn't even see this until just now. I can imagine the scene perfectly, down to the peanut gallery in the background ;-) And hey, mud looks good on a truck, no need to wash it off!

Anonymous said...

Should have bought a dodge

Mrs. Guthrie said...

*lol* wondered where you were... granted, I disappeared for three weeks myself. And we decided we better wash it JUST because of the mud and rocks packed into the tires. It kind of ruined the smooth ride.

Bug and Eye said...

sorry we missed you....ended up chasing my mom around otown much longer than we planned....but it was a good weekend...check the blog for details :-)

Ken and Kristin Parks said...

Should have bought a Tundra!! :) Don't feel bad: Ken has run into not one, but TWO things since he's bought his truck a year and a half ago. It was brand new truck too! He had a rendevouz with a light pole AND a mailbox! :)